Prosthetics is a dental specialty that generally deals with improving oral health. It works through techniques based on bridges and dental crowns and in collaboration with implantology as well as other specialties such as endodontics and periodontology aims to restore the oral system as a whole while promoting aesthetics.
Dental Crowns and bridges
A dental crown is a type of cover that fits neatly on a damaged tooth to protect the rest of the tooth structure while being a strong wall of protection between the tooth and the oral environment.
Dental Fillings
Modern technology trends have particularly affected dentistry in terms of dental resin development technology
Inlays / Onlays
When a tooth has lost a significant amount of its structure, a possible treatment is inlays or onlays. The inlay fits exactly inside the prepared cavity while the onlay also covers the chewing surface.
Digital Shade Matching
Spectroshade is the latest technological breakthrough in the field of digital photometry. It is a tool that uses a digital camera connected to a spectrometer and has the ability to recognize colors as they really are. The process is not affected by room lighting or by other environmental conditions. Numerical differences between natural tooth color and the closest color rendering are calculated in brightness, hue and color levels. So instead of one color in the classic color scheme, a color map of the tooth is produced, enabling the dental laboratory to faithfully reproduce color rendering on the dental surface of the restorations, offering an excellent result.