
Periodontics is the branch of dentistry that focuses in the supporting tissues of the teeth, the periodontium. These tissues are the gums around the tooth, the jawbone that surrounds the root as well as the periodontal ligament that connects the tooth to the bone.

Periodontal health is a cornerstone of oral health and has generally been linked to some systemic diseases such as heart disease.

The evolution of periodontics

Periodontics is rapidly evolving today. After a long research, new treatments and innovative techniques are presented while the cognitive field expands. Periodontal disease causes supportive tissue loss around the teeth, affecting the entire periodontium. The solution comes after specific treatment protocols that allow tissues to regenerate by reversing or stopping the disease. Progress is being made in this area, but research is focused on the correlation between genetic background and periodontal disease. About 10% of the population is at increased risk of developing periodontitis due to family history!



It is the most common form of periodontal disease that almost all of us once had. Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums that affects the tissues that connect the tooth to the bone without the loss of supporting bone being perceived, as is in the case of periodontitis. The disease is completely reversible.

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This is actually a complex of diseases of different forms but the most common form of the disease is chronic periodontitis which is one of the most common diseases in the entire population. It is clear that there is a racial and genetic predisposition to the onset of the disease, and diabetes and smoking are extremely important risk factors in the development and prognosis of periodontitis.

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Surgical Periodontitis

In cases where periodontal disease persists, surgical treatment is the next step. After anesthesia, the gums in the area are raised so that the root of the responsible tooth and the bone are better exposed and cleansed.

Then the position of the gums is redefined to another level so that the pocket is eliminated and the area is easily kept clean in the future. Other types of surgery are aimed at cases where the gums look swollen and hyperplastic. Alternatively, regenerative hard or soft tissue techniques are also considered at this stage.

One of the modern developments in periodontics is the use of special products that help periodontal tissues regain their attachment like amelogenin. Initial research shows a correlation between periodontal healing and bone morphogenic proteins (BMPs), a promising development in future treatment.


Laser Disinfection

Photo Dynamic Disinfection

A gel is placed inside the periodontal pocket and a laser is used to activate it. Thus free active oxygen radicals are released. At the same time, the gel has the ability to adhere to bacterial surfaces, interfering with the development of the disease because when the oxygen radicals are released, the bacteria is killed and the population is drastically reduced. The treatment is fast and painless while studies recommend an improved response when combined with traditional treatment of chronic periodontitis compared to conventional treatment alone.


Pink Aesthetics – Μαλακοί Ιστοί

Πρόκειται για μια χειρουργική διαδικασία που χρησιμοποιείται συνήθως στην αισθητική ζώνη πριν από ολοκεραμικές αποκαταστάσεις για επίτευξη αρμονίας μεταξύ δοντιών και ούλων σε ένα νέο, φυσικό και αισθητικό χαμόγελο. Συνήθως αφορά τα πρόσθια πάνω 6 δόντια, γίνεται σε μία μόνο επίσκεψη με άμεσα αποτελέσματα. Στόχος είναι να διορθωθούν ούλα έντονα δυσχρωμικά ή άνισα μεταξύ δοντιών, ώστε το νέο χαμόγελο να προβάλλει σωστές αναλογίες.

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Frequently asked questions

Unexplained tooth movement. Why;

After careful evaluation, the cause of the movement is investigated. There are many reasons that could cause tooth movement and one of the most common is loss of attachment due to periodontal disease. Of course, the reasoning may differ and a dental check up is considered vital.

Why do my gums bleed?

The most common cause of gum bleeding is gingivitis, which causes inflammation of the gums. This inflammation is in turn caused by dental plaque and bacteria, so the reason why gums bleed is microbial.

Are gum problems inherited?

Yes! Today it is clear that 10% of the population has a genetic predisposition to various types of gingivitis or periodontitis and especially to chronic periodontitis. It is important to consult your dentist about your treatment options at an early stage.

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