Dental Implants
Dental implants are small usually cylindrical titanium screws, placed in the jaw bone and act as natural tooth roots.

The implants we use most often
Type of implant systems
There are thousands of implant systems on the market and new ones are added every day. There is no scientifically substantiated answer to the best implant system.

Same Day Teeth
The patient comes to the dental office with either defective or artificial failing teeth, the required extractions are performed, implants are placed, and on the same day they are loaded with a temporary fixed prosthesis.

PRGF Platelet Rich Growth Factors
The use of autologous transplant materials to accelerate the body’s ability to heal in the past was unclear. Today it is standard care.

Bone grafts
When a tooth is lost, bone resorption follows. Periodontitis and trauma can cause absorption..

Stress Free Dentistry
If you are afraid of dental surgery, you are not alone. it’s normal and the answer is simple.
Frequent questions
How long does it take to complete the restoration?
Each case is unique. Restoration depends on the immediate loading protocol can be from 1 hour for the entire treatment from start to finish and up to 2-3 months or maybe more. To find out more about your case you need to arrange a counseling session to evaluate the factors that affect the immediate loading time and therefore the treatment time.
Do I need a bone graft to have implants?
In general, each case is unique. Some bone grafts are considered necessary to properly place an implant when anatomical restrictions do not allow simple placement. Most of the time, however, the procedure is simple and straightforward.
Am I too old for implants?
In general, many patients regardless of age favour and find solutions in implant restorations, so it is a good idea to evaluate oral and general health in a counseling session to discuss your personal requirements.
I do not like dentures
The feeling of a stable implant denture with perfect stability is great, chewing is no longer a problem and worrying about a denture moving or falling no longer bothers you when you talk and especially when you laugh. The first step is always a counseling session to explain in depth any questions about regular or even mini implants.
Instructions and questions
Life span
The survival of implants as a multifactorial issue is excellent and in the long run depends on the treatment plan design, the general and dental health of the patient, the bone background, the type of forces applied. Of course, the most important role is played by the dental care that is exercised at home and the frequent monitoring by the dentist.
Scientific research has focused on the interest of the dental world on implants and their life expectancy is being studied in detail. Special systematic studies with 15 years of continuous follow-up show excellent survival rates, suggesting that implants with proper care last a lifetime if the patient’s general condition remains unaffected.
How should I take care of my implants and teeth
Once the implants are placed both during healing and afterwards, we will show you how to keep the implants and teeth clean. Although implants are not affected by caries, there are some diseases like periodontitis that can affect them.
They must be thoroughly cleaned, as well as natural teeth 2 times a day with special toothbrushes, floss, mouthwash. Regular monitoring through an organized review program is required every 3 or 6 months accordingly.
An implant does not replace just one tooth.
The number of implants that are considered necessary basically depends on the type of prosthetic restoration that they will support, the quality of the underlying bone, but also the general state of health of the patient. This is a multifaceted issue and requires more than a single answer.
The upper jaw usually needs more implants than the lower and the removable prosthetics less than the fixed ones. In addition and depending on the loading protocol (immediate loading or conventional) that is followed, their number is affected again. Proper study and analysis of each case will better answer the question.
Extension of treatment plan
In case the cost is considered high, a removable solution can be selected and in the future, with the installation of some more implants, the restoration can be converted into a fixed solution, offering increased stability, comfort and chewing ability
In all cases where treatment with implants is chosen, the cost in the long run usually is less than other type of restoration because implants have a longer lifespan.
So the cost of dental implants is also a multifactorial question that can only be answered when related to a specific personal treatment plan. An initial budget of implant and alternative treatment plan is provided from the first appointments depending on the type of restoration proposed and the one you choose. In general, it would do well to mention that fixed solutions are more expensive and when soft tissue / bone regeneration techniques are used the cost of treatment increases further. Finally, depending on the type of implant prosthetics used (zirconium abutments, eg) and how and where they are made (prefabricated or custom made CAD/CAM in special centers for greater aesthetic performance) the final cost of treatment is affected.
• Herbs and vegetables with natural antiseptic properties for better healing (sage, chamomile, parsley)
• Few dairy products
• Very little salt
• Minimal acids (lemon)
• Minimal sugar