
CBCT ConeBeam Computer Tomography

Valuable diagnostic tool regarding full mouth holistic dentistry
Three-dimensional radiographic imaging via cone beam CT (CBCT) currently plays a key diagnostic role in any anatomical limitations presented in the field of implantology (inferior alveolar nerve, nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, etc.), protects the patient while offering unique treatment and immediate loading protocols in relation to implants.

Furthermore, implant prostheses can be made before they are placed in the mouth. The implants are first placed digitally on the computer. The procedure is simulated by providing the patient with extra safety while the treatment time is reduced from 3-6 months or more to one single visit (Same Day Teeth)

Of course, the use of three-dimensional computed tomography is not limited to implantology but in every field of dentistry, today being a valuable and necessary diagnostic tool.

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Newtom CBCT

Three-dimensional radiographic imaging is a scientific achievement with many advantages but also a means of more accurate and safer diagnosis.

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guided surgery


Guided surgery

Σε πολύπλοκα περιστατικά εμφυτευμάτων οι χειρουργικοί νάρθηκες αυξάνουν την ασφάλεια, την ακρίβεια και ελαττώνουν την επεμβατικότητα…

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